This information is provided for information only and must not be considered as investment advice. You should seek professional investment advice before making any investment decision.

How We Approach The Funds

Our investment process is built in layers, creating depth to ensure objectivity, greater understanding and better analysis.

Our investment philosophy creates an overarching framework that guides the investment team. The philosophy is based on independence and focuses on long term, diversified and rational investments. Analysis centres on understanding structure, process, performance, governance and the costs of investment.


Strategic Asset Allocation

We believe that capital markets are efficient in the long term, which could be more than a decade. We combine Modern Portfolio Theory with empirical evidence and experience to create a strategic model which defines the risk and return profile of each fund. This first step creates expectations for risk and return and is the most important stage in designing the fund to meet its investment objectives. Our Lessons from History provides information on our strategic allocation and expectations for each risk category, measured on a scale of one to ten. 

Tactical Asset Allocation

We believe that trends can be identified through a pragmatic and flexible approach. By adapting the allocation through the economic and investment cycles we believe that value can be added over the long run. 
The investment committee meet regularly to discuss the current economic and investment environment, assess the allocation of each fund and make recommendations for adjustment, to either take advantage of an opportunity or protect against an identified threat.  Limits are set for each fund to ensure that the risk profile is maintained and controlled. 


Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative research involves screening the available universe of collective investment schemes to short list investments that may be of interest to fund managers. In addition, quantitative research helps to identify under performing assets held in the funds and provide early warning indicators of a change in the pattern of performance or drift in style.

Screening adapts to the environment and investment cycle to avoid extrapolation of a trend that we expect to reverse. 

Qualitative Analysis

To truly understand a collective investment scheme analysts must be prepared to explore much more than performance. Qualitative research is aimed at understanding the structure and processes employed by a manager.

Our analysts look to understand drivers of performance so that they can provide better insight to managers when making investment decisions.

In addition, qualitative research focuses on potential risks from governance, liquidity or other harder to measure elements. We want to ensure that robust controls are in place to minimise the risks posed to investors.

Research and Review

Research Notes

Research notes combine quantitative and qualitative analysis to form a summary view about an investment, which can be used by the managers when making investment decisions.  You can view the research by clicking on fund holdings in the funds section of the website.


The Fund Management team meet on a weekly basis to discuss macroeconomic data, the investment cycle and the investment strategy. The underlying holdings held in that model are subject to a review using technical analysis reports, which help the team identify inconsistencies in performance which will lead to a detailed review when appropriate. 


Margetts has in place controls to ensure that research and our investment management meets the high standards required by the firm. The investment process has been designed to provide consistent application of our approach. The firm operates risk controls according to the Risk Management Policy, which sets out our framework for ensuring that we can identify, monitor and manage risks.